Code +
Public Profile

Available in all states
$ 99 /year
  • Public Profile - Consumers Find You
  • Comply w/ Code at every Step
  • Automated Update Letters
  • Invite Clients to Transaction
  • Compliance Confirmation Report
  • Risk Reduction Credits for E & O
  • Professional Tips
  • Forms Library
  • Build Trust w/ Updates
  • Priority Support
  • Federal Law Actions
  • State Law Actions

Code + Profile +
Federal Law

Available in all states
$ 199 /year
  • Public Profile - Consumers Find You
  • Comply w/ Code at every Step
  • Automated Update Letters
  • Invite Clients to Transaction
  • Compliance Confirmation Report
  • Risk Reduction Credits for E & O
  • Professional Tips
  • Forms Library
  • Build Trust w/ Updates
  • Priority Support
  • Federal Law Actions
  • State Law Actions

Code + Profile +
Fed & State Law

Available FL, NY, CT
$ 298 /year
  • Public Profile - Consumers Find You
  • Comply w/ Code at every Step
  • Automated Update Letters
  • Invite Clients to Transaction
  • Compliance Confirmation Report
  • Risk Reduction Credits for E & O
  • Professional Tips
  • Forms Library
  • Build Trust w/ Updates
  • Priority Support
  • Federal Law Actions
  • State Law Actions (CT, NY & FL)

Profile Plus

(CA, CT, FL, NY, TX Require Premium License)
Billed at $99 /year
  • Federal Law Actions
  • Comply w/ Code at every Step
  • Public Profile in 10 Zip Codes
  • Forms Library
  • Invite Clients to Follow Transaction
  • Automated Customizable Update Letters
  • Automated Compliance Confirmation Report
  • Possible Risk Reduction Credits for E & O


Available in CA, CT, FL, NY, TX
Billed at $298 /year
  • Federal Law Actions
  • State Law Actions
  • Comply w/ Code at every Step
  • Public Profile in 10 Zip Codes
  • Federal Forms
  • Access to Forms Library
  • Invite Clients to Follow Transaction
  • Automated Customizable Update Letters
  • Automated Compliance Confirmation Report
  • Possible Risk Reduction Credits for E & O


All United States
  • Comply w/ Code at every Step
  • Invite Clients to Follow Transaction
  • Automated Customizable Update Letters
  • Automated Compliance Confirmation Report
  • Possible Risk Reduction Credits for E & O
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